Body Ecology
Welcome to the Body Ecology Diet (BED) which originated in the USA with founder Donna Gates. Firstly let’s get this straight – it’s not so much a diet but rather a system of health and healing that will lead to increased vitality and improved well-being.Maria uses BED and focuses on your digestive health by restoring beneficial bacteria thereby increasing nutrient absorption and eliminating toxins. Fermented foods provide you with the best source of beneficial bacteria that are vital in restoring and maintaining your inner ecology. These foods were prevalent throughout history but have disappeared from the highly processed diets of modern western society. Our steady decline in overall health and wellbeing reflects this dietary change. So it’s time to go back to basics and revitalise your body with vital foods. This unique approach to health and healing can combat an array of health issues involving inflammation, toxic overload and malabsorption; including:
- Autism
- Chronic fatigue and lethargy
- Weight issues
- Autoimmune conditions
- Arthritis
- Allergies
- Thyroid and hormone imbalances
- Fungal infections
- Digestive disorders such as constipation, reflux and irritable bowel syndrome
As long as the harmful bacteria exist in your body the immune system cannot functional optimally. Until we’re able to combat those harmful bacteria with the addition of vital foods, your immune system will continue to be compromised.
Maria gives you basic tools to help you restore and maintain your body's digestive system, ensuring you'll have a healthier immune, endocrine, circulatory, and central nervous system. She implements a sugar-free, mineral and nutrient rich approach that can be easily adapted to be vegetarian, gluten free or casein free. This approach is antifungal and can be adapted to become antiviral.
Fermented foods allow you to eat less but retain more nutrients and can assist people of all demographics create positive change in their health and life. Fundamentally, Maria can design a program to help you cultivate, nourish, cleanse, and restore your inner ecosystem — naturally!
She will help you find relief from a variety of health imbalances. According to the Mayo Clinic (USA), many health problems are known to be affected by your diet, including digestive problems, immune disorders, allergies, thyroid disorders, ADD, ADHD, autism, diabetes, emotional problems, fibromyalgia and heart disease.
She combines age-old holistic wisdom, including fermented foods, with modern knowledge of diet. While weight loss is not the primary goal of the Body Ecology diet, many people have found the healthier eating contributes to weight reduction.
If you had the opportunity to avoid costly surgeries or medications simply by changing your diet, surely you’d want to do it? With so many fad diets out there, it's easy to presume this falls into the same category, but this definitely isn’t so. The Body Ecology diet has been found to reduce and eliminate symptoms of many common health complaints.
Wouldn’t you want to improve your health and vitality? Get started on the Body Ecology approach today, it’s a way of life!